

A depot is a point from witch vehicles start their journey. For creating and deleting depots view the corresponding guide. Depot are not counted as task from the vehicle configuration window.

Start and ending point

From the vehicle configuration panel you can choose the starting depot of your vehicle. This parameter is required, but not enforced, even if you have multiple depots. If you don't set this parameter your vehicles will start and stop at a random depot (if the number of depots is one this configuration is optional).


[From Wikipedia]: Address geocoding, or simply geocoding, is the process of taking a text-based description of a location, such as an address or the name of a place, and returning geographic coordinates.

Geocoding is an upcoming feature of LodiPlanner that right now is in the experimental phase. You can try it for free. You only need to add a list of points on your workspace main page, check the geocoding feature and click SAVE. This process can take some time, please add 5-10 addresses at a time.


A point can represent a customer, your depot or multiple customers. It is up to you. What matter is that we will find the best route between points starting from a depot.


With task we mean the max number of stops that a vehicle should take. This value is an upper limit, we guarantee that this limit will not exceed.

Time window


A workspace is your playground where you add points and vehicles and our software will find a solution for this set of information. You can create one workspace per day or multiple workspaces if you have your point logically divided for example by country or state.