What is LodiPlanner

Lodi Planner is an advanced web-based software for route optimization that helps find order in chaos and manage complexity.
You can help your drivers or you, as a driver, find the best order within multiple stops scattered around any zone. Our goal is to minimize your wasted time providing you with the shortest and fastest route between multiple stops.

Who need a route optimization software?

Any business that deals with customers with specific requests like delivery window, priority or constrain on the number of visits that a driver must meet should use a route optimization software.
Many business benefit and improve their services using a route planning software. The major users are:

  • ▪ Delivery and distribution
  • ▪ Truck drivers
  • ▪ Fleets
  • ▪ Sales representatives
  • ▪ Food Delivery
  • ▪ Many more...
This is a small list of some of the most affected user of route optimization software. Even small independent users can use our software, you don't need to be a large organization.